Disgusting show. Absolute rubbish. Full of silly girls and a polygamy guy.
I feel so sad for those girls who think they are there to find their prince charming when actually each of them has one and he will find her; not the other way around. /sigh.
In the beginning, there was Ashley singing. Awful Awful AWFUL! But the bachelor, Matt, says that he is mesmerised by her singing. *rolls eyeball* Anyone could tell that he is lying. His face betrayed him. In Hollywood, the only reason she was allowed to sing probably because she's a songwriter and maybe had some agreementmade at night with the producer. She can't sing. Period.
Anyhow, by the end of the show it is too obvious that it is all a set up. Everything is probably scripted.
Honestly, what are the odds that a white guy would choose a black girl over a white girl? HELLOOOOO. Seriously. Go study psychology already. I don't deny that there is the possibility.
But the only reason she's still on the show at Ep 5 is to keep the black audience watching.
Then Kelly got desperate and flashed her boobs to Matt when she had alone time with him. (She was outted.) - Men like sluts but not as their wives.
Ashley (who sang and mesmerised Matt) was not given a rose at the end of the show too. Mesmerised?! More like terrorised!
p.s. getting a rose meant that the girl can stay on the show.
I couldn't finish watching the show. I don't understand how they sustained 12 seasons.
Perhaps the boob-flashing and pretty girlys attracted many male audiences as they dream to be Matt.
And the ladies watched to learn the bitching and schemes to get a man while daydreaming about their prince charming.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
God's people.
How do you know if the person next to you is a christian?
What defines christians?
Christians are supposed to be loving, kind and righteous.
But how many have claimed to be and not lived up to it?
What defines christians?
Christians are supposed to be loving, kind and righteous.
But how many have claimed to be and not lived up to it?
Sunday, September 5, 2010
To all the single ladies out there,
didn't you know?
Your heart is the most precious thing you have.
Don't just give it away to anybody.
Your heart is the most precious thing you have.
Don't just give it away to anybody.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Friday, July 9, 2010
Did you miss me?(:
I had a fulfilling and purposeful trip.
Being back in Singapore, I feel trapped.
Trapped in the lazy afternoons and uneventful days.
The kind of feeling I have now is definitely murky.
I know I have to move on (if I graduate) to the working world but I am not exactly thrilled.
I know how mundane work can get and how routine it'll be.
Then I will become like a robot.
I don't want to be ):
Can we go back to taiwan or somewhere faraway?
Taking in the whole future ahead of me is overwhelming,
so I've decided to take it moment by moment.
And whatever the future may be for me,
I am glad that the Lord is always with me.
Did you miss me?(:
I had a fulfilling and purposeful trip.
Being back in Singapore, I feel trapped.
Trapped in the lazy afternoons and uneventful days.
The kind of feeling I have now is definitely murky.
I know I have to move on (if I graduate) to the working world but I am not exactly thrilled.
I know how mundane work can get and how routine it'll be.
Then I will become like a robot.
I don't want to be ):
Can we go back to taiwan or somewhere faraway?
Taking in the whole future ahead of me is overwhelming,
so I've decided to take it moment by moment.
And whatever the future may be for me,
I am glad that the Lord is always with me.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Drama Queen and Princess
Yes that's right. Drama Princess, Char and Drama Queen, S.
I went out with S to celebrate his birthday yesterday~
He's not chinese. So its like a controversial thing to hangout, just the two of us.
Neither of us are bothered about the stares, finger-pointing and whispers because we LOVE the attention! :p It is rather surprising to get such reactions from Singaporeans considering the fact that we are a multi-racial and multi-cultural society.
Anyways, I brought S to a chinese restaurant DIN TAI FUNG(I know! Of all the places I had to choose a chinese restaurant right. Like we can't get enough of the spotlight already). He really enjoyed their specialty 小龙包 (xiaolongbao-pork dumpling) and the steamed sesame bun. If you're chinese, you should bring your non-chinese friends to DIN TAI FUNG to eat. Its authentic chinese cuisine that only brilliant chefs can cook up. The making of this xiaolongbao is an art in itself. The skin cannot be too thick or too thin. Too thick and it'll be like eating flour. Too thin - the dumpling's skin may tear and the soup gone. (FYI: You are to savour the soup in the small (bite-size) dumpling.)
The aunties beside our table were like eavesdropping on our conversation and looking at us period. So we made up things to talk about. Haha. It was FUN. There are too many things we talked about. Can't fill you in in all the details. Too troublesome and I'm sleepy. Dinner ended with asking the waitress to help us take pictures in the restaurant and outside.
Those pictures need work. Bad framing.
S said we should write to mediacorp and do a reality show together.
Should we? Hmm...
I went out with S to celebrate his birthday yesterday~
He's not chinese. So its like a controversial thing to hangout, just the two of us.
Neither of us are bothered about the stares, finger-pointing and whispers because we LOVE the attention! :p It is rather surprising to get such reactions from Singaporeans considering the fact that we are a multi-racial and multi-cultural society.
Anyways, I brought S to a chinese restaurant DIN TAI FUNG(I know! Of all the places I had to choose a chinese restaurant right. Like we can't get enough of the spotlight already). He really enjoyed their specialty 小龙包 (xiaolongbao-pork dumpling) and the steamed sesame bun. If you're chinese, you should bring your non-chinese friends to DIN TAI FUNG to eat. Its authentic chinese cuisine that only brilliant chefs can cook up. The making of this xiaolongbao is an art in itself. The skin cannot be too thick or too thin. Too thick and it'll be like eating flour. Too thin - the dumpling's skin may tear and the soup gone. (FYI: You are to savour the soup in the small (bite-size) dumpling.)
The aunties beside our table were like eavesdropping on our conversation and looking at us period. So we made up things to talk about. Haha. It was FUN. There are too many things we talked about. Can't fill you in in all the details. Too troublesome and I'm sleepy. Dinner ended with asking the waitress to help us take pictures in the restaurant and outside.
Those pictures need work. Bad framing.
S said we should write to mediacorp and do a reality show together.
Should we? Hmm...
Friday, June 4, 2010
Sex and the City 2
Dear friends,
How have you been? I'm good and have recovered from shingles and exams fever! :D
(Shingles is the resurface of chickenpox virus in people who have chickenpox before. Suggested reasons for this resurfacing: Stress, illness(weak immune system) and/or aging. I hope mine was due to (exam)stress and weak immune system! >.< )
I couldn't stay home upon my recovery. And I managed to catch Ironman2 and Sex and the City 2 this week! ^-^
Yeah, two very different genre of movies. I was actually quite reluctant about watching SC2. The reviews that I read from newspapers and 8days magazine made it sound like a bimbo movie about women, clothes, branded goods, shopping and sex. But it wasn't like that at all! Its about how women are like these days, as compared to the old times.(All in American context but I think some apply to Asian women too. At least in this modern city of ours.)
The movie showed how the role of being a woman has changed over the centuries. (Reminds me of the literature text I did in jc: Top Girls.) Women used to be homemakers, wives, mothers, sisters and the weaker gender (in terms of finance, we can't say about physical strength because it varies across countries). But now, women have to be a wife and mother (if she has kids), they need to work too. Women want to be independent financially. They are sick of just waiting for men to bring the bread home. They are no longer seeing themselves as just wives and/or mothers. They see themselves as individuals who are able to generate paychecks and buy what they want/need.
Wee~ I am glad that women are able to achieve so much now and stand up for themselves.
I am proud to be a woman. (:
P.S. Have you starting shopping? YOU SHOULD. GSS has begun! I bought a new dress today~ ^-^
How have you been? I'm good and have recovered from shingles and exams fever! :D
(Shingles is the resurface of chickenpox virus in people who have chickenpox before. Suggested reasons for this resurfacing: Stress, illness(weak immune system) and/or aging. I hope mine was due to (exam)stress and weak immune system! >.< )
I couldn't stay home upon my recovery. And I managed to catch Ironman2 and Sex and the City 2 this week! ^-^
Yeah, two very different genre of movies. I was actually quite reluctant about watching SC2. The reviews that I read from newspapers and 8days magazine made it sound like a bimbo movie about women, clothes, branded goods, shopping and sex. But it wasn't like that at all! Its about how women are like these days, as compared to the old times.(All in American context but I think some apply to Asian women too. At least in this modern city of ours.)
The movie showed how the role of being a woman has changed over the centuries. (Reminds me of the literature text I did in jc: Top Girls.) Women used to be homemakers, wives, mothers, sisters and the weaker gender (in terms of finance, we can't say about physical strength because it varies across countries). But now, women have to be a wife and mother (if she has kids), they need to work too. Women want to be independent financially. They are sick of just waiting for men to bring the bread home. They are no longer seeing themselves as just wives and/or mothers. They see themselves as individuals who are able to generate paychecks and buy what they want/need.
Wee~ I am glad that women are able to achieve so much now and stand up for themselves.
I am proud to be a woman. (:
P.S. Have you starting shopping? YOU SHOULD. GSS has begun! I bought a new dress today~ ^-^
My Reflections
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
On God's Terms
I read in a book and it talks about Lewis Smedes' final book, My God and I: A spiritual Memoir, brings God's expectations of us to a startling clarity to me.
I read in a book and it talks about Lewis Smedes' final book, My God and I: A spiritual Memoir, brings God's expectations of us to a startling clarity to me.
He said that he met God at a used book store when he picked up a then volume called The Rest of Faith and read it.
He says, " The author, whoever he was, told me that if I wanted to come to terms with God, it had to be on his terms, the chief one being that I would have to give up my ridiculous notion that I would be accepted by God only if I had what it took to be [a particular] type. What I needed to do was let him accept me with no consideration of whether I was acceptable or unacceptable. And then, when I had done that, to quit stewing about it and just rest in the fact that I was loved and accepted by God, no strings attached."
Because Christ died for us and redeemed us, as long as we believe and accepts Lord Jesus Christ as our saviour and Lord, God accepts us as who we are.
I don't know why it took me so long to be rooted and really accept this truth in my heart. But I am glad that I did and I hope you would too(:
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Dealing with Difficult People
Have you EVER dealt with difficult people?
First, lets identify 3 types of difficult people:
One who drains others – By nature, their depressing and negative attitude characterizes them as “life suckers.” They frequently aggravate and deplete us. They complain, but refuse to accept solutions or take steps to improve their circumstances.
One who disrespects others – Through their constant criticism, we find ourselves consistently on the defense. Their blunt, even cruel remarks frequently leave scars that linger as abuse. They may be unsympathetic and practice excessive rudeness and ridicule at our expense.
One who dominates others – Any aggressive nature which dominates our workplace (or home) through intimidation is destructive. Boldness and assertiveness give way to a meanness that ignores the harmful consequences. The dominating person believes “might is right.”
How to Cope
When dealing with difficult people, we must accept that we cannot control the attitude of others. Regardless of our efforts, we cannot change another person’s heart. In fact, the Bible even speaks to this: “For from within, out of a person’s heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, eagerness for lustful pleasure, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness” (Mark 7:21-22).
We also can become a “difficult person” when we judge another individual. God has a way of dealing with critical people: “Stop judging others, and you will not be judged. For others will treat you as you treat them. Whatever measure you use in judging others, it will be used to measure how you are judged” (Matthew 7:1–2).
Dealing with difficult people requires qualities that go against our human nature. We are all resistant to change our opinions, especially if it requires laying down our rights. But when we reflect God’s nature, His peace can transform the most difficult of relationships. When we overlook another’s faults, God looks over us. “. . . Clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. You must make allowance for each other’s faults and forgive the person who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others . . . And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts . . .” (Colossians 3:12-15).
Hope you find this material useful(:
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Unrequited Love
by Amiee Fairchild
Relationships are a pain
Especially loving someone in vain
Knowing that no matter what you say
He loves someone else that way
Looking at the person you love
Can be a painful thing not from above
Knowing that he doesn't love you like that
Wishing the couple would have a spat
Feeling like you've lost your best friend
Knowing he won't love you in the end
Hoping one day he will change his mind
Wishing that your heart he would find
In the dark you stand
Watching him hold her hand
Wishing you could just hate his guts
Why does this feeling make you so nuts
Wanting to talk to him hours on end
Even when you know he has a girlfriend
Watching him play with her curls
Wishing it was you instead of that girl
Knowing one day you'll make it through
But all the while wishing it was just you
That's the feeling of unrequited love
Something most definitely not from above
I don't agree that the feeling of unrequited love is not something from above.
I think God feels unrequited love from many of us. God loves every single one of us but yet only some respond to Him, not all...
Relationships are a pain
Especially loving someone in vain
Knowing that no matter what you say
He loves someone else that way
Looking at the person you love
Can be a painful thing not from above
Knowing that he doesn't love you like that
Wishing the couple would have a spat
Feeling like you've lost your best friend
Knowing he won't love you in the end
Hoping one day he will change his mind
Wishing that your heart he would find
In the dark you stand
Watching him hold her hand
Wishing you could just hate his guts
Why does this feeling make you so nuts
Wanting to talk to him hours on end
Even when you know he has a girlfriend
Watching him play with her curls
Wishing it was you instead of that girl
Knowing one day you'll make it through
But all the while wishing it was just you
That's the feeling of unrequited love
Something most definitely not from above
I don't agree that the feeling of unrequited love is not something from above.
I think God feels unrequited love from many of us. God loves every single one of us but yet only some respond to Him, not all...
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Everyday is a battle.
A battle to fight against the devil, against my self-centered me.
It is so easy to get lost in the things of the world.
They just dazzle in front of you.
Luxury items, money, fame, status, fortune........ the list goes on~
But God is good. He is always faithful. He will not forsake me. ♣
A battle to fight against the devil, against my self-centered me.
It is so easy to get lost in the things of the world.
They just dazzle in front of you.
Luxury items, money, fame, status, fortune........ the list goes on~
But God is good. He is always faithful. He will not forsake me. ♣
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Can't take my eyes off you (Rock)
really ♥ this song ever since i heard it during mass dance for jc.
(though the old version is still preferred)
Please still enjoy this new twist~ ROCK!!! ♥♥♥
(though the old version is still preferred)
Please still enjoy this new twist~ ROCK!!! ♥♥♥
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Verse for today.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Wagyu Beef @ Sho Teppan (Orchard Ion)
This Japanese restaurant is located at B3-19 in Orchard Ion.
Chanced upon it during my first visit to Ion and I've been going back for moreeeeeeeeeeee. Actually, the smell caught my attention. Too yummy to resist!
Yesterday evening, I brought my parents to eat (but I didn't foot the bill).
>.< still a poor student..
So I introduced my parents to wagyu beef teppan @ SGD21.90++
It comes with miso soup, rice and salad. Oh, and FREE hot green tea!(:
The rice is soft and fluffy. Miso soup a tad too salty. But the salad was goooood.
Wagyu beef is placed in a metal pot with shredded carrot, onions, spring onion, sliced mushrooms(I assume shiitake since japanese like them), sweet sauce(probably some special sauce they mixed) and sprinkle with white sesame seeds.
Smells reaaaaally good when you start stir-frying.
My set(I took out my wagyu beef from the metal pot in attempt to prevent them from being overcooked.)
I have to agree with my dad that the sauce used for wagyu beef teppan(that evening) was too sweet.
Plus salty miso soup, we needed more rice to go along with it!
Hmm... I didn't have this problem last year when I visited with my guy.
Quality dropped? Maybe. But I still finished everything! :x
My mother ordered wagyu beef sukiyaki(SGD 20.90++). She wanted more veggie and its a healthier choice(everything boiled but not as tasty compared to teppan).
BUT! It is not their signature dish. Wagyu Beef Teppan is their signature dish. ^-^
Well, I forgot to mention that you get to choose either udon or rice for sukiyaki.
Displayed 'food' outside the restaurant.
Didn't manage to get a picture of her actual food. And I didn't get a good before and after picture of mine coz` hungry la. Next time I will get them for you!(:
Yes, there are other types of meat/choices in the menu.
But I feel that Wagyu is the most value-added one.
Oh, if you are thinking of eating and chit-chatting after meal. DON'T.
Not an ideal place for such activities. I felt pressurised to order more or pay the bill as the service crew walked around with their PDAs after clearing the table. >.<
Good for the tastebuds and stomach only! :D
Chanced upon it during my first visit to Ion and I've been going back for moreeeeeeeeeeee. Actually, the smell caught my attention. Too yummy to resist!
Yesterday evening, I brought my parents to eat (but I didn't foot the bill).
>.< still a poor student..
So I introduced my parents to wagyu beef teppan @ SGD21.90++
It comes with miso soup, rice and salad. Oh, and FREE hot green tea!(:
The rice is soft and fluffy. Miso soup a tad too salty. But the salad was goooood.
Wagyu beef is placed in a metal pot with shredded carrot, onions, spring onion, sliced mushrooms(I assume shiitake since japanese like them), sweet sauce(probably some special sauce they mixed) and sprinkle with white sesame seeds.
Smells reaaaaally good when you start stir-frying.

I have to agree with my dad that the sauce used for wagyu beef teppan(that evening) was too sweet.
Plus salty miso soup, we needed more rice to go along with it!
Hmm... I didn't have this problem last year when I visited with my guy.
Quality dropped? Maybe. But I still finished everything! :x
My mother ordered wagyu beef sukiyaki(SGD 20.90++). She wanted more veggie and its a healthier choice(everything boiled but not as tasty compared to teppan).
BUT! It is not their signature dish. Wagyu Beef Teppan is their signature dish. ^-^
Well, I forgot to mention that you get to choose either udon or rice for sukiyaki.

Didn't manage to get a picture of her actual food. And I didn't get a good before and after picture of mine coz` hungry la. Next time I will get them for you!(:
Yes, there are other types of meat/choices in the menu.
But I feel that Wagyu is the most value-added one.
Oh, if you are thinking of eating and chit-chatting after meal. DON'T.
Not an ideal place for such activities. I felt pressurised to order more or pay the bill as the service crew walked around with their PDAs after clearing the table. >.<
Good for the tastebuds and stomach only! :D
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Today I can complain because I have to go to school or eagerly open my mind and fill it with rich new tidbits of knowledge.
Today I can feel sad that I don't have more money or I can be glad that my finances encourage me to plan my purchases wisely and guide me away from waste.
Today I can lament over all that my parents didn't give me when I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born.
Today I can mourn my lack of friends or I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover new relationships.
Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework or I can feel honored because the Lord has provided shelter for my mind, body and soul.
Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to be shaped. And here I am, the sculptor who gets to do the shaping.
What today will be like is up to me.
I get to choose what kind of day I will have, so can you!(:
Today I can feel sad that I don't have more money or I can be glad that my finances encourage me to plan my purchases wisely and guide me away from waste.
Today I can lament over all that my parents didn't give me when I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born.
Today I can mourn my lack of friends or I can excitedly embark upon a quest to discover new relationships.
Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework or I can feel honored because the Lord has provided shelter for my mind, body and soul.
Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to be shaped. And here I am, the sculptor who gets to do the shaping.
What today will be like is up to me.
I get to choose what kind of day I will have, so can you!(:
My Reflections
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
What a Friend we have in Jesus
I was reading ODB daily devotional message and chance on this hymn, What a Friend I have in Jesus. Went to youtube and this lady Chonda Pierce shared her story and her version really touched me. Its more towards the end. But to get a clearer picture, just go through the whole video yeah? Enjoy! ^-^
What a Friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!
Welsh Church Choir version is magnificent! This is the kind of praise and worship if a whole church sings! Now I know why God loves our worship and praise. Its amazing.
What a Friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear!
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer!
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer!
Welsh Church Choir version is magnificent! This is the kind of praise and worship if a whole church sings! Now I know why God loves our worship and praise. Its amazing.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
God's Love of Man
God loves you.
You're rebellious, you cheat, you commit immorality,
you're selfish, you sin, but God loves you with an intensity
beyond anything I could describe to you.
He loves you, and He loves you so much that He gave His only Son,
Jesus Christ to die on that cross; and the thing that kept Christ
on that cross was love, not the nail.
Billy Graham

The above message I wanted to tell a dear friend, face-to-face.
But I am holding back because I am afraid of his reaction.
I hope someday, he will see this and knows how much God loves him.
You're rebellious, you cheat, you commit immorality,
you're selfish, you sin, but God loves you with an intensity
beyond anything I could describe to you.
He loves you, and He loves you so much that He gave His only Son,
Jesus Christ to die on that cross; and the thing that kept Christ
on that cross was love, not the nail.
Billy Graham

The above message I wanted to tell a dear friend, face-to-face.
But I am holding back because I am afraid of his reaction.
I hope someday, he will see this and knows how much God loves him.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
When God delays discipline, it’s not due to indifference;
it’s due to His very nature—He is gracious and slow to anger.
Some see that as permission to sin, but God intends it to be an invitation to repent.
As it is said about God's righteous judgement in Romans 2:1-4,
"You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 2Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 3So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment? 4Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?"
it’s due to His very nature—He is gracious and slow to anger.
Some see that as permission to sin, but God intends it to be an invitation to repent.
As it is said about God's righteous judgement in Romans 2:1-4,
"You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 2Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 3So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment? 4Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance?"
My Reflections
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I am overly and thoroughly blessed.
Thank you God Almighty for deciding who my parents are and where I live.
Thank you for food, shelter, education, nice clothes to wear, nice bed to sleep in and I don't have to worry about natural disasters.
Thank you for advanced technology and medical help available.
Thank you for supplies of medicine when I am sick.
Thank you for clean water to drink.
Thank you for the showers I can take in this heat and keep myself fresh and clean.
O Lord, the people in Haiti are suffering but they seem so far away..
How can I help?
I can't mobilise massive food supplies or build a new government for them.
Praying for them seems to be the only thing I can do. Ok, I will find out how to donate to red cross..
If you are reading this, please prayer for them!
Thank you(:
Thank you for food, shelter, education, nice clothes to wear, nice bed to sleep in and I don't have to worry about natural disasters.
Thank you for advanced technology and medical help available.
Thank you for supplies of medicine when I am sick.
Thank you for clean water to drink.
Thank you for the showers I can take in this heat and keep myself fresh and clean.
O Lord, the people in Haiti are suffering but they seem so far away..
How can I help?
I can't mobilise massive food supplies or build a new government for them.
Praying for them seems to be the only thing I can do. Ok, I will find out how to donate to red cross..
If you are reading this, please prayer for them!
Thank you(:
My Reflections
Friday, January 8, 2010
God is in Control.
Sometimes I get paranoid about things and how things should be,
I get upset and frustrated.
But my sister reminded me that God is in control and He will deal with everything and anything that needs to be dealt with.
At that moment, I felt peace and joy. (:
Even if the world is ending now, I would still have that peace and joy in me.
For God is good and He is in control!!
I get upset and frustrated.
But my sister reminded me that God is in control and He will deal with everything and anything that needs to be dealt with.
At that moment, I felt peace and joy. (:
Even if the world is ending now, I would still have that peace and joy in me.
For God is good and He is in control!!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Missing someone...

I have heard others say that if one misses a person(you love) badly, one will get sick.
I didn't believe. How is it possible?
But now I know.
The sadness is so intense, it makes you feel sick.
Tears can't help but roll down your cheeks.
Its neverending...
You don't feel like doing anything.
You just wanna see him again.
My Reflections
Friday, January 1, 2010
HAPPY 2010!!!!!!
Did you have fun??
I went to east coast at 11.35pm and it was like CROWDED.
It felt like 8pm.
Played sparklers with my boyfriend and his family.
It was quite an experience! :D
Then we headed to changi airport for swensens ice-cream!! (:
The queues at swensens and ya kun were unbelievable.
It was even more crowded than weekends.
But the ice-cream sundae was goooooood.
A sweet start for 2010~
I went to east coast at 11.35pm and it was like CROWDED.
It felt like 8pm.
Played sparklers with my boyfriend and his family.
It was quite an experience! :D
Then we headed to changi airport for swensens ice-cream!! (:
The queues at swensens and ya kun were unbelievable.
It was even more crowded than weekends.
But the ice-cream sundae was goooooood.
A sweet start for 2010~
Greetings and Occasions
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