Chanced upon it during my first visit to Ion and I've been going back for moreeeeeeeeeeee. Actually, the smell caught my attention. Too yummy to resist!
Yesterday evening, I brought my parents to eat (but I didn't foot the bill).
>.< still a poor student..
So I introduced my parents to wagyu beef teppan @ SGD21.90++
It comes with miso soup, rice and salad. Oh, and FREE hot green tea!(:
The rice is soft and fluffy. Miso soup a tad too salty. But the salad was goooood.
Wagyu beef is placed in a metal pot with shredded carrot, onions, spring onion, sliced mushrooms(I assume shiitake since japanese like them), sweet sauce(probably some special sauce they mixed) and sprinkle with white sesame seeds.
Smells reaaaaally good when you start stir-frying.

I have to agree with my dad that the sauce used for wagyu beef teppan(that evening) was too sweet.
Plus salty miso soup, we needed more rice to go along with it!
Hmm... I didn't have this problem last year when I visited with my guy.
Quality dropped? Maybe. But I still finished everything! :x
My mother ordered wagyu beef sukiyaki(SGD 20.90++). She wanted more veggie and its a healthier choice(everything boiled but not as tasty compared to teppan).
BUT! It is not their signature dish. Wagyu Beef Teppan is their signature dish. ^-^
Well, I forgot to mention that you get to choose either udon or rice for sukiyaki.

Didn't manage to get a picture of her actual food. And I didn't get a good before and after picture of mine coz` hungry la. Next time I will get them for you!(:
Yes, there are other types of meat/choices in the menu.
But I feel that Wagyu is the most value-added one.
Oh, if you are thinking of eating and chit-chatting after meal. DON'T.
Not an ideal place for such activities. I felt pressurised to order more or pay the bill as the service crew walked around with their PDAs after clearing the table. >.<
Good for the tastebuds and stomach only! :D
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