Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 is gonna be over in less than 24 hours!

In 2008,

I will learn salsa.
I will my grade 8 piano cert.
I will get my firstclasshonors.
I will be the best music teacher soon.
I will do my best in everything that I do.
I will eat less ice cream and chocolates when I'm sick.
I will be a mugger.
I will dance till I drop.
I will learn to let go and move on.
I will stay single :D

One of these is so not going to happen...

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I feel like I'm on auto pilot mode. As in, like the character Adam Sandler which acted in the movie Click. Do you ever feel like there's so much to do yet you seem indifferent and oblivious to the things around you? And the minutes and seconds passed without much value to you? Like you are practically like a Zombie. Just moving and breathing but not ALIVE? I felt like that the whole day... Until bedtime, I couldn't sleep although I'm tired. I actually thought about asking someone to stab me with a knife so that I can feel pain and "alive". To remind me that I'm still on Earth and I've got things to do.

[WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Cold mornings.

I loooooooooooove cold mornings. Don't you love cold mornings? ^-^
Sigh. Wouldn't it be nice to have snow? Hmmm...

My mum is right about something. [Yes, I'm actually AGREEING to what she said.] She said that loving people find it more difficult to accept christ because they are doing fine without Him. Which is very true. Coz` its like they support one another because they love one another. But I believe that is what God wants for us too. And because He is the creator, He knows better. Sometimes some people don't understand that Christians are only humans and humans are imperfect. We are all sinners Christians or not. The difference is that Christians accepted Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour so that sin maybe taken away on that cross that Jesus died, so that they can go to Heaven.

Do you want to go to heaven? I really do...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Some men are jerks. In fact, maybe all.
It depends on how well he is able to cover up the fact that he is one.

I think every girl should guard their heart.

But again, being blinded by love isn't a bad thing.
It is something that I wish I could experience before I die but very unlikely.
Men and women can never understand one another. Perhaps there no need to?

I wonder why humans want to be in love sometimes.
The pain, the misery and the agony. [P.S. Find someone worth the pain!]

We are lonely? However so, Humans are imperfect. We can't rely on each other only. We make mistakes. Thank you God for being always here! God is perfect.

Yes it is true that humans should be together, fall in love and reproduce... etc.

Perhaps I have yet to find the ONE to understand why. haha.
Till then, all MEN are JERKS :p