Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I met D.

There was some kind of attraction.

Infatuation? Maybe.

All I have is his name and the fact that he graduated.
Nothing esle.

Will I see him again?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Swan Lake.

Two lovely Swans in the Swan Lake in the Botanic Gardens.
I like the water reflections.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I heart my CG.

CG aka Cell Group.

Its a group of people that I meet up weekly. We would worship, pray and learn about God through His word.

The Lord teaches me a lot through these sessions.

Today, I managed to fully comprehend this particular verse in the bible: Matthew Chapter 16 Verse 25.

For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.

I understood it to be not literal physical death for Him. But I just could not really decipher it. Then today, it hit me. It means that we[as christians] have to die to our old self and live the way Christ wants us to be. To grow with Christ for the rest of our days.

To Grow and Change are different.
As SJ puts it, growth is always positive whereas change can be positive and negative.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Which one is better?

Some guys who think with their wrong head.

Advice to y'all.

Fight the feeling.

If it isn't love, leave it alone.


Kawaii desu ne~
Found it using google.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I need to get away.

From all the business and crazy schedule. And away from the internet of course.

But it all seems impossible.

School is starting in one month's time.

I wonder what are my grades like.
Not that I'm really keen to know though.


Mega Snacking.

I seem to be wanting to chew/bite on something these days. I can't stop eating when I'm at home. Getting FAT SOON. >.<

Breakfast: Wife Cake + 2 slices of bread w peanut butter + Orange.
Lunch: Fried Rice + 1 Large pkt of Cheeze + Kitkat.
Snack before dance: 2 Large pkt of Super Rings + Yoghurt Drink.
Snack after dance: 1 Large pkt of Super Rings.
Supper: Wintermelon noodle soup + 1/4 of Watermelon.

Breakfast: Wife Cake + 2 slices of bread w blueberry jam + Milk.
Snack before Lunch: 1 box of Strawberry Pocky Sticks.
Lunch: Beehoon soup + Banana.
Snack after Lunch: Fried egg bread + Instant noodles with Kimchi+Tomato+Ham+ Orange.
Dinner: 2 boxs of Jaabee or whatever that is called. Its potato(:

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Could I have this kiss forever?

I know I am slow. But this song is super nice!!

Monday, July 21, 2008


Sunday, July 20, 2008

This week.

I was away from home...

At aloha loyang, snapping pictures and taking videos.

There was this Freshmen Orientation Camp.

Only one eye candy.

He looks better blind-folded though.
Why do I say that? Because I've seen him blind-folded!
hahahahaha. kinky. I know. But its true!!
[Anyway, FYI: he is attached.]

Monday night to Friday afternoon I was away from home.

I think I am sick in the mental sense.
Because I seem to like to torture myself..

Sunday Service ROCKS. I never fail to be revitalised. Though I'm still lost in what I should do with my life and my purpose, I now know what to pray for more specifically.

"I am not my own, you[God] are in control.
To live is Christ, and to die is gain.
No matter what price I pay, I choose to give my life away..."
-from a song but I cannot remember the title

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Why do some women seduce married men?

Why do men think with their dicks?

Some men are so disgusting.

They make me sick.


Girls dress up to look good for a few reasons.

One, to be confident.

Two, to impress.

Friday, July 18, 2008

You think you know me.

Think again.

They call me 'quiet girl'. But I'm a riot.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

What is Passion?

an Intense emotion that comples an action/actions.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Men and Women can never be equal.


Because we were created to complement each other.

Friday, July 11, 2008


I like them loud.

My mum wants silence.

My sis only likes jazz and something. Was it country?


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Drifting away from Him.

If you noticed, I've drifted.

Satan won this time.

Too many things going on...

Priorities. Focus. Act on it.

Why am I here again?



/slaps myself.

FINALLY. Done the passport.

Anyway, got a writing assignment yet to complete.
My Room is in a MESS. I neeeeeeeed to get it cleaned up.
Get organised.

My favourite song now. HOT.

Monday, July 7, 2008



Super gross!

*Do not read after a meal.


I cooked dinner today!!

haha. yeah, the kitchen is in a mess.

Gotta clean it up.

In case you were wondering, I cooked chicken with broccoli and carrots.

It tasted good! I'm serious!

Ask my sis.


[Next time I'll show evidence!]

Horrid Girl.






Saturday, July 5, 2008


Nice game.

I'm hooked!

/playing with those 12-year-olds.

you can go to www.auditionsea.com to download.

you need to sign up for an account first though.


How to be perfect?

We can never be.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Thank you for being my friend,

Listening to my complains,

Patient with me when I whined,

Comfort me when jerks bully me,

And accepting me as me.

Stay sexy forEver!
[I know impossible but try la k. Haha.]
