Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gracie's Choice.

Wow. This movie is based on a real story.

Drug addict mother. She's never sober.

The mother has like 5 children - all from different fathers.
The kids do not know who their father is. :/

Gracie is the oldest child. She decided to send her mum to jail coz` the life she's living was like hell.

Her mother did drugs and alcohol - steals welfare money to supply her addiction.

Messed up. But she (Gracie) managed to pull through!
Thank you God for keeping her strong throughout her difficult times.

I don't think I can handle this mess. Her grades were good.

Sigh.. I have such a comfortable life.

Thank you Lord for a family that is stable in my life.
Thank you for my responsible parents.
Thank you for a comforable home so that I don't have to run from places to places.
Thank you for the fixed income that I have for pocketmoney.
Thank you for the food I get to eat.
Thank you for the comfortable bed I sleep on each day.
Thank you for the education I am receiving.
Thank you for loving me and die on the cross for all my sins.

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