Monday, May 26, 2008

Follow-up on the pointers.

1. Slander - Communication of false atatements injurious to a person's reputation.

2. Lying - A false statement deliberately presented as being true.

3. Criticism - Statements made about another's actions, ways and deeds in an effort to hurt their reputation.

4. Talebearing - The practice of spreading gossip and rumours about others.

5. Insinuating - The practice of insinuating or hinting something maybe wrong in the life of another. [I'm assuming wrong = morally wrong and that affects reputation.]

6. Flattery - is saying something to a person's face that we would never behind their backs. [I suppose its like saying the dress is pretty when we don't think it is pretty. AKA Lying.]

7. Exaggeration - Stretching numbers/statistics to make things look better. [Reminds me of projects, can be at school or work.]

8. Silence - When we hear an untruth told and we remain silent, we are guilty of the "slander of silence".

Took these materials from the sermon outline.
Anyway, all has to do with dishonesty.
And I'm working really hard on my sarcasm. Argh!
It hurts ppl's feelings. Its not encouraging at all!


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